Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

english convey syllabus

DESCRIBE SOMETHING/SOMEONE about a spot in ur home where u spend ur free time, say:
-what is d place looks like ?
-where is it exactly ?
-why u spend time in that spot ?
2.what is ur dream house? about a book at home, say :
-how does it look like ?
What is d subject about ?
-where didya u get d book ?
4.describe a teacher who has great influence,  say:
-where u met them ?
-what r their thought ?
-what was special thing about them ?
-why this person influence u so much ?
5. describe an office that u know, say :
- what it looks like ?
- how is d atmosphere like ?
6.Describe a book that impressed  u, say:
-d book title
-why it impressed u ?
-if any other books hv same impression
7.describe d 1st place u live in, say:
-how old were u at that time ?
-what d good/bad things from d place?
-what r differences &similarities W/other place?
8.describe a Park in ur home town. say:
-how to go there from ur house ?
-what is it like?
-what u can do there?


9.describe a place u often go in ur free time. say:
-where it is ?
-who u go with ?
-what do u do there ?
-what u feel when u r there & after u leave
10.Describe a historical place u hv been to. say:
- what kind of Place it is?
-what it looks like?
-where it is?
-explain something about d history of d place
11.describe a typical festival. u  say:
-when it is
-what PPI do
-if there r any traditional food/music/cloth about ur fav mag. say:
-what kinda articles it has
-when u started reading it
-how often u read it about d housework u do. say:
-what do u do -who u do it w/
-when u do it –say why u do this work

14.describe prog u like. saY:
-what kinda prog is it
-who is in it ?
-say why u like it ?
-what is it about ? about where u like to go for walks, say:
-where u go
-do u like going to this place/not
-why u like to go there

16.describe what u like to do in ur free time u say:
-What u like  to do
-where u like to do it
why u like it

17.describe ur ideal holiday. saY:
-why u wanna go   -what u'd do
-who u'd go wlith  -why is it ideal

18.Describe ur fav season. say:
-what season is it                -what u do during this season
-where u like to spend it   -why it is ur fav season

19.describe where u live in ur country. say
-where is it               -who lives with u
What  it looks like   -why u live there

20.describe a film u hv seen which u remember well. say:
-what kinda film is it
-when &where u saw it
-what's ur  fav. part
-why u remember it very well

21.describe a place where u often go on your days off. say:
-where is it
-who u go with
-why u go there
-say how it compares to other places where u could spend free time

22.what do u think about ur mom? wanna be look like ur mom?
24.r u idolize ur mom?
25.what things do u admire/hate from your mom ?
26.hv u eva debated ur mom? u like kids?

DESCRIBE SOMEONE / SOMETHING about d home of someone u know. say:
-where it is
-what is it like?
-who lives there
say if u think it is better than where u r living/not.why

29.describe d area near d place where u r living, say:
-what d local landmarks r there
-what green spaces& natural features r there
-what things u can do about d place where someone u know lives, say:
-how far it is from where u live?
-how is it possible to get there?

1.what r d main attraction in ur hometown?
2.what facilities does ur home town hv?
3. what do u need bf u  travel to another country?
4.what special things did ur mom make to make u better ?
5.if u could be any animal, what animal would it be?
6.what holidays that u know ?
7.what typical food on ur holiday ?
8.what r considered unlucky/lucky?
9.what numbers r considered to be lucky/unlucky
10.what games r popular in ur country?
11.what's d most popular holiday in ur country?
12.what things can be recycled?
13.what traditional costumes do ppl wear from ur country? In what moment?

14.what things can u c in airport?
15.r there animal rights groups where u live?
16.what kinda animals do human ride?
17.what animals that u hate/afraid/disgusting?
18.what animals that u like?
19.Can u name endangered species ?
20.can u take care animals?
21.can u name a few of each disaster?
22.what kinda damage can occur in each disaster?
23. what things u can’t live without ?
1.describe a person who has played an important part in ur life, say:
-how u met this Person ?
-how long u hv known d Person ?
-kinda thing u do w/d Person
-why this person play important role ?

2 hv u eva tried  loosing weight? many times u hv changed ur mobile ?
4.what u hv tried but u don’t like ?
5.Hv u seen a ghost?
6.Has something eva happened to u but u couldn’t explain what is it about
7.hv u eva fallen / stumbled in front of other?
8.hv u eva forgotten someone's b'daY?
9.hv u eva given a false excuse to get out of something u didn't want?
10.hv u eva given something to ur lover?
11.hv u eva gone climbing?
12.hv u eva made mistake when greet someone ?
13.hv u eva had de javu?
14.hv u eva made a cake?
15.hv u cooked something?
16.hv u eva Played a joke?
17.hv u eva forgot d question that u r going to ask?

18.hv u eva guessed someone's age wrong?
19.hv u eva laughed until tears came from ur eyes?
20.hv u fallen asleep while talking on d ph?
21hv u eva written an article?
22.hv u seen an accident?
23.hv u eva been on tv?
24.hv u eva had a blackout while taking a shower?
25.hv u eva been to a play?
26.hv u eva hosted a party?
27.what r some good books that u hv read?
28.what is d best book u hv eva read?
29.what r some of good movies u hv seen?
30.what was d last book u read? has d world changed since u were child?
32.hv u eva bought imitation brand?
33.why didya buy ur computer? long did it take u to learn to drive?
35.what is d longest trip u hv taken by car?
36.hv u eva driven a car in a foreign country?
37.hv u eva bought secondhand?
38.what didya buy/wear yesterday?
39.when was d last time u got dressed up?
40.hv u eva participated in any art competition?
41.does beauty affect one's success in life?
42.hv u eva finished eating in a resto& u reailized u forgot, ur wallet?
43.hv u eva fallen asleep &forgotten where u were?
44.hv u eva fallen down d stairs/fallen in love at d lst sight?


Past tense about a film that impressed u, say:
-what was d story about ?
-who was in it ?
-which part impressed  u most ? about ur best friend from childhood, say:
-how u become friends ?
-d things u used to do together about a book that impressed u, say :
-what it is about ?
-why it is impressive ?

4.Describe d 1st place u live in, say :
-how old were u at that time ?
-what didya remember very well about d place ?
-was is it home sweet home for u ?
5.what didya wanna be when u were a kid ?
6.describe a place that ur parent took u too, u explain:
-what sort of place it was
-how u got there
-why ur parent took u there?
-do u want ur children going there?
7.describe a place u used to visit when u were a child . say:
-how often didya go there ?
-why u went there ?
-what didya do there ?
8.describe a journey u eva taken,  say :
-where u didya go ?
-what kinda transport u took ?
-what r good &bad things about d journey ?
9. what was ur experience using mobile ?
10.describe a friend u had in primary school.say:
-what kinda person he/she was
-what things u do together
-say whether u r still in touch / not about 1 thing u did last weekend. say:
-why u did it
-how long u took it ;
-how would u change it about a hobby u had when u were a child. say:
-how was d 1st time u become interested with it?
-how long did u do it?
-why u enjoyed doing it ?
-say if u've become more/less interested in that hobby

13.what type of punishment did ur parent use when u were a teen? old were u when u had ur 1st serious relation?
15.didya work when u were a teen?
16.hv u called delivery?
17.hv u  had a Problem wl d bill? was ur teen life?

1.describe a classmate u often meet, say:
-where do u usually meet d person?

2. How often do u eat junkfood?

3.How often do u do exercise?
SIMPLE PRESENT u do exercise ? u compare prices bf shopping ? u often eat fast food ? u smoke ? u take medicine when u r sick ? u take vit/mineral ? u cut ppl convey in d middle of their stories? about something u often do to relax. say
- where & how often u do it
- why it relaxes u about something u like doing at home. Say :
- why u do it at home
- where exactly u usually do it
- how much time do u spend to do it about sornething u often use in ur free time.u should mention
- what it looks like
- where do u usually keep it

1.r lndonesian usually closer to friends?
2.R ppl from different background often become friends?
3.what occasion/event do indonesian usually hv parties?
4.where parties usually held ? indonesian generally spend their holiday at home/out town ? important does d teacher?
7.what do u think about ppl who don't wanna take care animal?
8.what do u think about a vegetarian ?
9.what do u think about ppl who put on dress to their pet like a child? u think it's unhealthy to keep a cat in ur home? u believe love at d 1st sight ?
12.why manner is important ? u think a woman with a small kid should work outside ? u think mobile is a primary needs ?
15.why art is important ? do u define beauty ?
17.r young ppl generally more selfish than their parent?
18.does age make u more aware of & caring for other?
19.should adults try to teach young ppl etiquette ?
20. What do u think is d best age to be? u think is there age limits for changes ?
22.should ppl of around 50retire from their jobs ? u think when in Rome, do as d Romans do is always good advice do u feel when leave ur country ?
25.why do u think kids need to hv heroes?
26do u think children r different today from d time when u were a child? u think d children r naturally good?
28.why do u think children commit violent crimes? u think children r more violent today than they used to be?
30.what do u think should be done to improve living condition in cities?

PERSONAL QUESTIONS u enjoy going to parties? Why ? u enjoy school? do u relax? about a sport u interested in,u should say :
-      how didya falling in love to d sport
-      why u love doing this sport
-      what equipments played on d game ?
5. what makes u decide to buy something ?
6.what sport means to u ?
7.what is ur fav sport ?
8.what communication means to u ?
9. what is ur mobile looks like ? u panic easily ?
11.Do u stress a lot ? there someone who has same hobby w/ u?
13.what weird hobbies u eva heard ?
14.what do u study ?what’s ur major ?
15.what is ur fav class?
16.whY do u study a foreign language? u get along with d neighbor ? u need to loose ur weight? u always eat healthy food? u do regular check uP it annoying u when people don't use right punctuation? do u inform someone they are being annoying?
23.what annoying habits does ur best friend have?
24.what is d most annoying thing about ur partner?
25.what something that ur parents do that annoy u?
26.what r some things that annoy u that don't annoy ur best friend?
27.what r something that car drivers do that annoy u?

28.what kinda people annoy u?
29.who is d most annoying person u know? why?
30.can u think of something children do that annoy adults ? u get annoyed when someone cuts in front of u when u r waiting? u want ur children to be beautiful/talented?
33.What r ways ur best friend has influenced ur life in a positive way?
34.pls tell me about ur best friend?
35.what qualities do u appreciate in ur friendship?
36.what makes someone special?

RELATION do u rid off stress ?
2.what kinda man/woman to be ur future couple ?
3. what points to make a good marriage
4.What things make ur couple getting happy ?
5. how’s d relation bet. U & ur friends ? u enjoy ur job ? why ?
7. r u getting nervous on 1st introduction ?
8.what polite questions to be asked to new ppl ?
9.describe a Perfect date
10.describe physically d person that u’d like to date
11.describe d perfect family
12.describe a classmate u often meet, u say:
-where do u usually meet d Person?
-when was d 1st time u met d Person? do u motivate kids to be good?
14. what qualities help u to hv good relation with others?
15.what action make an interpersonal conflict worse? I important forgiveness in human relation ?
17.what factors for successful relation ?
18.what does it mean by love & friendship ?

1. what do ppl usually do in parties?
2. what ways to overcome our anxiety ?
3.t alk about helping environment, say:
-what u do?
-how often & why u do it ?
-how that thing helps d environment?
4. what qualities should be owned by d boss ?
5. what r some positive/negative ways people deal with stress?
6. what r some superstition in ur country?
7. give a presentation about u think is good for exercise. Say :
-what tool is needed ?
-Where  ppl usually do this exercise ?
-what do they usually wear ?
8. pls tell us about phoning etiquette
9. article on mag
-what is d title about?
-what character u can find
-where is d setting
-when was it happen?

10.what r some of negatives about being beautiful?
11.what r some examples of social pressure to improve on beauty?
12. what is d right behaviour to use in public places?
13. what r some good chances meeting new ppl ?
14. how to know ppl better ?
15. what things u suppose to do bf flight ?
16. what can u do to avoid a disaster?
PREFERENCES most ppl prefer to play in a game or just watch ? u prefer shopping by credit / cash ? u prefer watching tv/cinema ?
4. do u prefer live in a house / apt ?
 1.What r d differences bet. games in d past & games nowdays ?
2. what is d most important goals in ur life ?
3. what is d hardest things u eva done ?
4. what is d best thing from ur parent & grand parent ?
5. what is d most valuable activities in ur life ?
6. do u prefer working indoor/outdoor ?
7.what is d most prestigious job in ur opinion ?
8.what r differences bet. good students &bad students?
9.what is most annoying/amazing thing about children?
10.what is d most important thing we need from children?
11.what r some of advantages &disadvantages living in a city?
12.what r some differences bet. living in a city &in a country?
13.what r some of d strangest fashion u hv seen
14.when was d most stressful time of ur life? did u learn anything from that 15.what is d most frightening experience u hv had?
16.make a list 10 things r important bf u live somewhere
17. what is d best thing in ur home town ?
18.what is ur best/worst holiday ?
1.How’s ur feeling lately ?
2. what kinda ppl u love to c ?
3. r u ambitious ?
4. R u a workaholic ?
5.r u extremely lazy ?
6.What character that u like / dislike ?
7.what personality trait r good for inner beauty ?
8.what life quality is important for u ?
Future tense
1.will u change after married ? about ur next trip abroad,u say:
-where u r going
-what u wanna do there
-what souvenirs do u wanna bring
3.what would u like to try bf die ?
4.what will u do after retire?
5.what is ur Plan to achieve ur goal?
6.what r ur short& long term goals?
7.will robot replace human/take our job?
8.where do u Plan on going to college?
9.what type of job would u tike to in d future?
10.How will computers& mobiles/ transportation change in d future ?
11.what kinda development might happen in health care?
12.what will d future be like? will u teach ur kids ?
14.will u find difficulties to reject ur kids expectation?
15.will u change after becoming a mom ?
1.     What  motivate u doing diet ?
2.     How do u maintain ur health ?
3.     Do u always consume healthy food ?
4.     Do u go to particular dr/ any dr ?
5.     Do u hv any allergies / scars ?
6.     what is d best way to diet?

TRAVELLING about a country u neva been &would like to visit, u say
-how d place is similar/ different to our country
-why u interested in going there
2. do u like travelling in doing ur job ?
3. what place u wanna visit ?
4.what r some benefits of travel?
5.what r favourite getaway in ur country?
1.describe ur typical day when u r working, u say:
-what things to do ?
-how long u spend do those things :
-what is d most difficult thing u hv to do u wanna  do d same job in ur life time ?
3. do u wanna work in an office ?
4. do u like sitting a lot in ur job ?
5.what is ur dream job ?
6.what job u wouldn’t do ?
7.what job r u good at ?
8.what was ur 1st job ?
9.describe ur perfect workplace. say:
-what d interior looks like ?
-what facilities it would hv ?
-in what area would be like
1.if aliens visited ur country, what might surprise them?
2.if u were a Mom .what things will U give to youR kids?
3.what would u do if ur kid got a tattoo?
4.if u could be a teen again, would u do anything differently?
5.what would u change about ur country? would u feel if u failed to achieve any of ur goals?
7.if u could live anywhere, where u WOULD like to live?
8.if u didn't hv to worry about money, what kinda vacation would u take? u wanna be on reality show? about how u usually celebrate new year. say
2.what r ur educational/career/financial goals?
3.what annoys u about living where u live now ?
4.what annoys u about taking trains to work?
5.what annoys u about driving a car?
6.what annoys u most about living at home with ur family?
7.does smoking bother u ? u annoyed when people show bad manner? give examples
9.what is d most annoying thing for u?
10.What is ur biggest goal in life? u annoy people w/ some of ur habit? do u change annoying habits? u believe what art critics say ? u consider yourself a good artist? u enjoy your art class?
16.what aspects of life in d city would u complaint about?
17.what do u like about ur class?
18.what kinda class setting is d best for u?
19.what things that u dislike/wanna change from ur class? ur class a nice room to study? u like d location of ur desk? u like shopping for new clothes? u often buy new clothes? u prefer to go shopping /just browse? u read fashion mags? u like cartoon?
27.what is ur shot? u listen classic music? long u begin planning a vacation? often do u go for holiday ?
31.what r some games that u don't like to play?
32.what is ur fav. game/holiday ? do u get dressed/buy new shoes/go to sleep/go fishing/enjoy a
day at d beach/do laundry/set d table for meal/loose
weight/iron ur clothe/make ur dishes/raise a child/play
make someone fall in love/improve
ur voc/book a room/ take photo/cross d road
safely/make coffee/ build sand castl/cheer up ur friend/pray/learn
new language /control ur anger/earn ur
living/enjoy u r holiday/ use dvd/stop
hiccup/get rid of headache?
·        do u enjoy robot in d movie?
·        how do u get ur dream job?
·        what is d best time for making new friend?
·        can u sleep during a trip?
·        what seat do u prefer: window,center/aisle?
·        what do u like to do during d flight
·        what r some thing u can do without spending a cent?
·        what do u do in ur spare time?
·        what do u like to do on a nite out?
·        what kinda pics do u take with ur camera?
·        r u good in using computer?
·        what r some of ur fav. computer games?
·        what do u use a computer for
·        do u want ur children to be beautiful/talented?
·        what color do u think look good on u?

·        is there an area where u live that is known to be haunted? if so what
d story behind it

·        how do u know if a ghost is near u?
·        do u hv a lucky number?
·        do u believe blood can tell what a person from d person's blood?
·        what is ur star sign?
·        what adult means to You?
·        what environment means to u?
·        how do u love ur environment?
·        pls describe ur environment?
·        What facilities is provided in ur environment?
·        what kinda neighbor do u have?
·        what food means to u?
·        is ur food appetite changing becoz of something bad?
·        do u eat emotionally?
·        what is ur food recommendation ?
·        do u like trying food variant?
·        how often do u listen to music in a week?
·        where do u usually listen it?
·        do u believe ghost?
·        would u talk to a ghost?
·        hv u eva visited d haunted house?' ,
·        do u think that there's truth behind superstition
·        hv u eva had a dream come true?
·        do u believe fortune
·        r horoscope important?
·        can u guess ppl maturity based on their age?
·        what do u think about responsibility in maturity?
·        should we live independent when we already getting old?
·        do u think we live for food/food for living?
·        what shopping means to u?
·        what do u think about tv prog. Now days
·        do u think with cellular everything will be easy?
·        do u agree if internet makes ppl lazy?
·        in what age ppl can hv their money
·        what do think about family health?
·        do u think music can cure ppl?
·        what age u start to think about being a mom?
·        how could u live without electricity
·        what r d main attraction in ur hometown?
·        tell me why i would enjoy visiting ur home town
·        what facilities does ur hometown hv?
·        do any of ur family rnembers live ln ur hometown?
·         what kinda thing do u like to do on holiday?
·        what do u need bf u can travel to one country?
·        what is d most thing u eva bought?
·        what's ur fav season. Why ?
·        what is mom's fav hobby?
·        tell me about ur mom relation with her family
·        do u think u r over weight?
·        do u use an alarm to wake up?
·        What do ppl generally think about spirits & supernatural?
·        what would u do if u saw a ghost?
·        Assuming ghosts r real & always around us, what would u do?
·        what would u talk about to a ghost?
·        why do some ppl believe in d paranormal?
·        what is d ghost story from ur country?
·        r famous ppl better than d average person ?why/why not?
·        what r d negative aspects of being famous?
·        what does it take to become famous?
·        Would u quit from work to follow a dream of becoming famous
·        do u think celeb loose their privacy?
·        what would u do if u saw someone famous walking down d street?
·        which one is better, being famous/not?
·        will u be away from family if u were celeb ?
·        Do u agree/disagree? Drinking coffee is a bad habit?
·        do u think bad habits lead to divorce?
·        do u hv an unusual habits?
·        would u prefer to go out w/ a quiet/talkative person?
·        do u hv any long distance friends
·        how do u keep in touch w/ur long distance friend?
·        how often do u c ur long distance friend?
·        do u make friend easily?
·        how r ur friendship different now than u were a child?
·        how do u maintain a good friendship?
·        how do u make new friends?
·        how many best friend do u hv?
·        How can u be a good friend?
·        what is a best friend?
·        what things should best friend neva do?
·        why do u like ur best friend?
·        what r some ways ur best friend has influenced ur life?
·        do u think it is good recount calories?
·        do u like brunch?
·        should fast food resto serve healthier food?
·        what is d strangest food u hv tried?
·        do u hv any food allergies?
·        what's ur perception
* talk about a new hobby u'd like to take up, u say:
-what r d advantages
_what d difficulties of doing that hobby would be

* talk about a goal u hv, saY:
-what u need to make it come true
-what ur next step needs to be
-will achieve that goal

* talk about one thing u r going to do next weekend, say:
-where/who u r going to do it
-any equipment u need it

·        do u wanna be a President?
·        what do u think d future will be like in 50 years later
·        is ur character closer to ur mom/dad?
·        what problem do wanna fix?
·        what would u do if u knew tomorrow is ur death day?
·        do u like to Plan ur life?
·        what would u do if u found a suitcase w/ $1.000.000
·        what would u do if u woke up w/ super power one day?
·        what would u do if u could change in ur life if you could travel
backwards in time?
·        what would u do if aliens came?&visited ur hometown?
·        do u wanna live foreva?
·        do u wanna know ur death time?
·        what kinda of business do u wanna run?
·        what would u do if u hv free time?

* talk about instrument u'd like to be able to play but can't play, say:
-why that instrument interests u
-why u haven’t learnt how to play it bf?
-if u think it is difficult ?

* describe ur dream home, u say:
-how u would look like d outside /inside ?
-what area u'd like to live in?

·        do u consider urself successful
·        finish these sentences: as a child, u should...&shouldn't...
·        how much does money affect d quality of a person's childhood?
·        what would u experience again from ur childhood?
·        what would u change from ur childhood?
·        if u had to choose an adj. to describe ur childhood, what adj is it?
·        what do u think about teenage years r d best years of ur life?
·        which is more important to u, brain, beauty/money
·        if u were a teacher, what would wanna teach? why?
·        what would u change about ur country’s education system?
·        is it easier to leam foreign language as an adult as a child?

* talk about a sport u like to do. say:
-why u interested w/ it
-what equipment & skills r needed
-if u think it is an easy sport

·        do u think it's ok to give pet human names?
·        Do u think it is a good idea to write ur goals down
·        how important r goals to u?
·        why r goals important?
·        is having a goal in life effective in becoming successful?
·        is having a goal helpful in motivating a person?
·        do u think ppl hv fewer goals as they get older?
·        do u hv any goals that u feel r unrealistic?
·        do u think d use of drugs by some musicians increases their creativity
·        what do u think of people who name their children after seasons? '
·        why do ppl have pets/some ppl not like pets?
·        do u think animals have souls?
·        is it easy/difficult to get rid of a bad habit?
·        do other people's bad habits get on ur nerves?
·        In ur opinion, why do some ppl like to hv unusual pets?
·        do u think dogs should be banned/muzzled?

* , Talk about a place u hv stayed in a holiday, say:
-how u chose that place
-how long u stayed there
-what d advantages &disadvantages of that place were

* describe something u ate recently, u mention:
-where u ate it
-why u decided to eat it
-didya enjoy it?

* talk about a piece of music that u hv heard recently, say
-where u heard it
-what kinda music it was
-whether d music matched well w/ ur mood

·        can u be alone as much as u like?
·        can u be w/ friends as often as u like?
·        is it easy for u to make decision about important thing?
·        can u relax when u r sleeping away from home?
·        does stress make it hard for u to think?
·        when u r stress, how do u feel physically?
·        do u feel nervous, worried, Temperament when u r stress?
·        r u sort of person that likes beach
·        what r good & bad points holiday in d beach?
·        what do u think is interesting about ur culture?
·        why do u think culture is important?
·        what r some of ur bad habits? ':

* talk about a job that u'd like to do in d future, say:
-what PPI hv to do in that job
-why u interested in that job :
-if there disadvantages/advantages in doing d job

* Talk about thing u gonna do next weekend, say:
-where/who u r going to do it
-equipment that u need
whether u r looking forward/not

·        will u always say d truth?
·        will u help a stranger who's getting hurt
·        what’s ur next holiday Plan?
* What is ur dream job
* - what will u do next?
With whom/when will u do it?

* talk about a short/long term goal u hv
-how u 1st decided on that goal
-who u hv told about it
-what ur next step needs tobe in orde to achieve it
u think if it is easy to achieve that goal/not, why
-why u hv that goal
-when u'd like to achieve

·        Do u enjoy d ads?
·        do u always learn something after watching?
·        is it difficult to express ur emotion?
·        R u a moody person?
·        what is d strongest principle do ur children should hv?
·        do u get scared by honor
·        how do u feel about swearing?
·        what can u do to keep ur teen away from drugs?
·        what is d most important thing a parent can do for a teen?
·        r u good at memorize?
Getting married

* -hv u dream about d life after married?
* -do u think relationship will be different after married?
* -what is ur dream marriage
*-what's ur opinion about living together bf married?
*-is ur love changing bf& after married?
*-how big is ur love percentage on ur couple?
*-do u try to change ur couple habit? what kinda habit?
*-do u agree if someone can be change?
*-is it ok to hv same bank account bf married?
*-what kinda discussion do u usually talk w/ ur couple?
* who is d decision maker?
*-what r ur similarities &differences?
*-how do u solve d conflict?
*-what's ur opinion about married?
* do u agree married in a young age?
*-is there any age limitation to get married?
*-how do u deal  n d 1st time u begin a new life?
*-how do u adapt w/ur couple's family?
*-can u accept differences?
*-what things u can still tolerate & what can not?
*-do u still hv ur own privacy?
*-do u enjoy d situation when u r in ur couple's family?
*-what topics do u like about ur big family?
*-do u express ur like/dislikes easily in ur big family?
*-how close r u Mur big family?
*-what kinda attention do u give to ur big family?
*-what will u do if u met ur family's couple?
*-do u always try to make ur family loves u?
*-do u still hv time for urself
* what r some good habits to hv?
* what r healthy/bad eating habits?
*what r good/bad study habits?
*where do we learn our habits?

* talk about something in ur home that u often use in ur free time, say:
-what it looks like -how do u use it
- where do u usually keep it -say if u'd like to replace/not

* talk about a new hobby u'd like to take up, say:
-d advantages
-d difficulties
-ur interest

* talk about something u'd like to buy, say:
-what it looks like
-why u wanna buy it
-its function

* talk about a goal that u hv. say:
-when& why u'll reach d goal
-what u need to do to make it right
-what ur next step needed

·        do u think 1 year is enough to travel around d world
·        Do u wanna live wlur close friends
·        do u wanna travel around d world w/ur best friend?
·        what terrible thing would a friend have to end friendship
·        how healthy r u?
·        do u wanna be volunteer abroad?
·        do u hv any scar?

* talk about something u collect, say:
-how many pieces r there
-how d collection is stored
-how fast d collection is growing
-what kinda person enjoy d collection

·        hv u eva wanted to be famous? why/why not?
·        hv u eva met a famous person?
·        hv u eva been sick?
·        hv u changed anything in ur house, if so, what was that?
·        do u u eva feel blue during holidays?
·        what is d most beautiful place u hv eva been to?
·        when was d last time u traveled?
·        when u were a child did ur family take a vacation every year?
·        hv u eva been caught in bad weather?
·        what advice did ur mom give u that u remember ?why do u remember
·        what is something ur mom told u that u didn't agree w/ why
·        what’s d best vacation u hv eva taken? why?
·        would u describe ur life as easy, difficult/just right? pls explain
·        hv u eva lost ur ph/has ur ph eva been stolen?
·        hv u eva been hospitalized/to an acupuncturist?
·        hv u eva donated blood/stitches/sprained ur ankle?
·        hv u eva sung in public/kept special treats for ur pet?
·        hv u eva wondered why some ppl wanna be alone but neva seem to
be lonely? why do u think it is like this?
·        explain d perfect vacation u eva had
·        hv u stayed in a hospital?
·        hv u been hurt emotionally?
·        hv u got broken
·        hv u eva been afraid/home sick/suprised in a vacation
·        what was ur last holiday, pls mention it
·        hv u injured badly
·        when was d last time u visited dr
·        what is d worst injury u eva had

* talk about ur last long holiday, say:
-where didya go
-how much did u spend

* talk about a party u've been to that u particularly enjoyed, say:
-what d party was for
-where it was held
.why u enjoyed it

* talk about d best holiday u've been on, say:
-where& when u went
-who didya go with
what made it so memorable

* one day at d beach
-when was d last time u went here - what things u can c
what will u do in long holiday?
·        do u like to stay up late on holidays?
·        who do usually spend d holidays with?
·        if a holiday falls on Sunday, should u get another day off?
·        what is best gift u eva received?
·        what r some tricks ppl play on April fools day?
·        do u play tricks on April 1st?
·        what sort of tricks do u play?
·        do u prefer active/relaxing holiday?
·        do u prefer crowded/quiet place?
·        what kinda climate do u prefer when choosing a place for vacation?
·        would u eva consider quit ur job to take vacation?
·        what's ur idea of d perfect vacation?
·        would u consider urself a workaholic? why/why not?
·        What provider do u use for ur mobile ?r u happy w/ it?
·        how many times do u send sms every day?
·        who pays for ur mobile?
·        R u a member of a gym?
·        r u afraid of needles?
·        hv u changed ur appearance a lot?
·        hv u eva changed ?
·        when was d last time u went to a zoo?
·        hv u eva met anyone/established any relation during a trip?
·        how old were u when u went on ur lst flight? where did u go?
·        what was d longest flight u hv eva taken?
·        hv u eva been injured ?
·        hv u eva been on a diet?
·        which countries hv u traveled to?
·        what is d most boring/ interesting place u hv eva been to? Why
·        what is most embarrassing experience u hv eva had? Why
·        what is d biggest mistake u hv eva made?
·        hv u eva wanted to try something really dangerous/difficult?
·        hv u eva met anyone really amazing? what made d person amazing?
·        didya hv any heroes ?
·        when u were a child, what did u wanna be when u grew up?
·        what were some important thing to shape a child?
·        what was ur when u were a child?
·        hv u eva made ur own clothes?
·        what didya watch on tv?
·        what r some important factors in determining which college to attend?
·        what r d qualities of a good student/teacher?
·        what classes would u take?
·        why do u think PPI become teachers?
·        why is it helpful to learn a second language?
·        why is it sometimes difficult to speak another language?
·        would u consider studying abroad?
·        do parents home school their children in ur country?
·        what do u think of home schooling?
·        do u think that most parents influences what university will attend?
·        does education guarantee a good job?
·        should education be free?
·        why do students cheat during tests?
·        how do they cheat?
·        what is ur attitude towards cheating?
·        how should parents& teachers react on cheating?
·        can ur name mean anything funny in ur language?
·        what's d name of ur fav singer/fav. character/movie?
·        do u hv a nickname ? do u like it?
·        what is d most popular name for a dog/a cat in ur country?
·        how many letters r in ur name?
·        can u draw pictures well?
·        what does ur name mean?
·        do u eva feel pressure to live up to ur family?
·        do certain color make u feel happier?
·        where is d nearest zoo to Your house?
·        how much that it cost to get into d zoo?
·        do u consider urself an animal lover
·        do u eva talk to ur pet?
·        do u have any pet?
·        r u afraid of getting old ?
·        what customs do u Practice?
·        do u enjoy being around children?
·        why do u like living in d city?
·        what's ur fav city ?
·        what part of d city do u like best?
·        vhat kinda music that u like?
·        what kinda things that u like to read?' :
·        what singer would u most like to meet?
·        what's ur fav.mags?
·        when do u usually listen to radio/read?
·        what do u do for fun?
·        do u know anything about repairing/maintaining a car?
·        do u enjoy repairing cars?
·        what kinda car do u Prefer?
·        do u hv any bad habit?
·        do u over sleep?
·        do u eat late at nite?
·        do u like drive at nite?
·        in what moment do u dress differently?
·        do u dress d same when u r depressed as u do when u r happy?
·        what cloth do u choose to wear when u r happy?
·        how much time should be spent on making look better?
·        how important is beauty in ur daily life?
·        hv u eva noticed anyone eva feeling pressured to be more beautiful?
·        what r some beauty tips u could share?
·        what kinda clothe do u usually wear?

* describe 1 thing that u do as a part of ur work, u say:
-why u hv to do it
-how often u do it
-what would happen if u didn't do it
-if u would prefer a job where u didn't hv to do that thing/not. Why

·        how often do u got dressed up?
·        do u like to get dressed up?
·        do u enjoy taking Photo?
·        do u consider photography an art form?
·        why do u enjoy art?
·        would u eva date someone who was unattractive?
·        is there something u'd like to create?
·        how close do u get to your friends?
·        what do u do when u hv misunderstanding with ur friend?
·        do u trust all of ur friends ?why?
·        what do u consider to be good/bad qualities?
·        do u always follow d same pattern to relieve stress/try different
·        how do u learn d music instrument
·        what kinda thing that makes u happy /angry?
·        what r d causes of ur stress?
·        how do u know if u feel stress?

* talk about a goal that u hv.u should say:
-when& why u reach that goal
-what u need to make it come true
-what ur next step needed
-say if u can reach d goal /not

* talk about a piece of music that u've heard recently, u should mention
-where did u hear it
-what kinda music it was
say whether d music match with ur mood/not

* talk about something that makes u excited. u should say:
-how often u do that thing
-where do u do it
-with whom u do it
-say if other ppl who do d same thing will feel exactly d same

* talk about a new sport /hobby u'd like to take up. u should say:
-why u interested in that thing
-if it is easy/hard thing to start
-what is d best way to start doing it
-say if u think u'll start it soon/not. why

* talk about a sport that interest u but u neva tried. u should say:
-where it is usually played
-what kinda of PPI usually play it
-why it is interesting,

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